Ad Lab Alum Jessie Shines in SRCD’s Federal Policy Fellowship Spotlight!

We are proud to announce that Ad Lab alum, Jessie Bridgewater, Ph.D., has been spotlighted in SRCD’s Federal Policy Fellowship. Jessie, currently working with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, shares insights on her role, the impact of policy on child development, and the unique opportunities provided by the fellowship. Congratulations, Jessie, on this well-deserved recognition!

For more details, read the full spotlight here.

Congrats Class of 2023!

Ad Lab grad students, undergrads, and staff gathered on June 16th, 2023 to celebrate the class of 2023 with food, cupcakes, and an intense game of superhero trivia personally crafted by Dr. Yates. Congrats, class of 2023!!

Congrats, Dr. Duyen Trang!

Congratulations Dr. Duyen Trang! We are beyond thrilled to announce that Duyen has successfully earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology. Duyen has been an extraordinary member of the Ad Lab, and we can’t wait to see what else she accomplishes!

2023 SYP Superstar! ✨

A hearty congratulations to our Ad Lab grad rockstar Amanda who presented and passed her wonderful second-year project titled “Maternal support in preschool and child behavior problems: the mediating role of child emotion knowledge“.

Ad Lab Undergrads Present at the 2023 WPA Conference!

Ad Lab crashes WPA 2023! Grad students Derrian and Amanda and staff Alexa attend the 2023 Western Psychological Association conference in Riverside, CA to support the Ad Lab Undergrad Students. A huge congratulations to our undergrads for presenting their research projects!

Back Row: Undergrad Students Alfred K., Alexa A. (Staff), Neil L., Jenna I., Gerardo M.
Front Row: Undergrad Students Vincent C., Derrian T. (Grad), Haylee L., Hernan Z., Max T., and Amanda S. (Grad)

Ad Lab Attends SRA 2023!

Ad Lab grad students Jessie, AnnaMaria, Derrian, Amanda, Eric, and staff, Alexa, join forces with UCR’s DTL and KIND Lab at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in San Diego, CA.

Ad Lab Attends SRCD 2023!

Ad Lab grad students and advisor, Dr. Tuppett Yates, enjoy a snowy weekend in Salt Lake City, UT at the 2023 biannual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. A huge congratulations to Jessie Bridgewater, Amanda S., AnnaMaria Boullion, and Derrian Tabilin for presenting their research projects!
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